We don’t need to allow fear and anxiety to be a part of our life when we let God be the cornerstone of our lives. God has promised that despite what you are going through today, He would never abandon you! He will help you get through difficult times and adversity. “I shall never fail you,” God has promised. “I’ll never leave you.” “The Lord is my helper, so I will have no fear,” we can confidently affirm as in Hebrews 13: 5-6.
For the days you can’t see a way ut of your problems, when despair sets in, and there’s no end in sight, remember God is near. He reminds you that He ison your side. He tells us to stand strong in His armor and in the power of His word. Read each word of God aloud and ask God to help you focus on Him, trusting in His ability to see you through. Consider Exodus 14:14, Psalm 34:4-7, Ephesians 6:10-18
Thoughts and observations: