Characteristics of Godly Leadership (Acts 20:17-21)
Leadership is the act of influencing and serving others out of Christ’s interests in their lives in order to accomplish God’s goals for and through them.
Obey and submit to your leaders, for they keep watch over your souls as those who will account for them. Allow them to do it joyfully rather than with sadness, as this would be counterproductive to your interests. Everyone wants to be respected, but most of the time, it has to be earned.
The four models of Christian leadership that will be discussed are all found in the Bible from numerous leaders:
(1) servant-leadership,
2) moral leadership,
(3) spiritual leadership,
and (4) transformational leadership.
How does a servant know when to refuse requests made by others?
How transparent should a leader be about his personal flaws and failures?
Is openness synonymous with revealing everything?
What steps may we take to improve our humility?
Can love and kindness coexist with unwavering adherence to God’s truth? How? What happened to biblical balance?
Read Titus 1:5-9 and 1 Timothy 3:1-13.
Make a list of all the qualities that God expects from a leader, overseer, elder, and deacon.
Which of these traits do you possess the most?
Which ones are the most vulnerable and in need of improvement?
1 Samuel 16:1-13 should be read.
What qualities did Samuel look for in a leader when he went to Jesse’s house to anoint a king?
Why did both Samuel and Jesse neglect David?
What did the LORD want to find?
What criteria do you look for in a leader for your church, neighborhood, business, or government? Please be specific.
What traits does God appreciate in a leader in your family, church, community, and workplace?
1 Kings 11:1-8 should be read.
King Solomon is remembered in the Bible for his wisdom, as well as his accomplishments in business, poetry, and literature. The LORD, on the other hand, vows to “take the kingdom away” from him. Why?
What caused Solomon’s betrayal of the LORD?
How can a man’s devotion to God in today’s world be divided?
In what aspects of your life do you have conflicting loyalties?
Read James 4:4-9 to learn more.
How does friendship with the world make us enemies of God?
Do you have any worldly ties or friendships that could turn you against God?
Explain what it means to be spiritually “double-minded” in your own words.
What rewards does God bestow on people who stand firm against Satan?
What do you need in order to get closer to God?
What does God expect about you in order so you can be exalted?
Read Isaiah 40:10-15.
Describe God’s dependability, power, and ability to maintain yourself as a leader with your own words
Next steps/reflection:
- What does God want you to put an end to?
- What is God inviting you to begin?
- What is God calling you to do in order to slow down?
- How is God challenging you to be more intentional?
- What is your discipleship approach and plan?
- How will you encourage others to lead biblically?
- How will you protect yourself from sin?