Faith Journal. Day 3

He knows your name and is well acquainted with you. He hears every sigh, every whisper, and every “Help me!” And He’ll be there in the matter of seconds with you. On the horizon, there is a ray of optimism. His name is JESUS. Don’t be afraid; I’ve rescued you; I’ve addressed you by your first name; you’re mine. When you’re in deep water and in danger, I’ll be there for you. You will not be scorched as you walk through the fire of tyranny; the flames will not engulf you. I am the Lord, your God, and your Redeemer. Revise Isaiah 43:1–3

When you’re dealing with money issues, debt, and loss, it’s difficult to trust God. God, on the other hand, is well aware of our problems and needs, and is entirely capable of meeting them. Pray for Him to lead you in all of your financial decisions. Make a request that he support you in giving generously and that you trust Him to provide for your family’s needs. Study Hebrews 13:5-6, Philippians 4:19, and Matthew 6:25-27.

Observations and thoughts:
